I just love me some pastry porn...especially homemade pastry porn. I had a can of biscuits on hand and some ideas in my head so, naturally, baking thus ensued.
Ingredients You Will Need...
I literally took the leftover dark chocolate chunks (nibs, pieces, whatever you wanna call them, they're all flavored the same) and some pumpkin butter that I had lying around and combined everything to make some delicious (yet slightly burnt on the bottom end) pastries just because it's what I wanted to eat for BRUNCH.
What Your Pastries Should Resemble...
Once you have gotten out all of your enhancements, this is how the pastries should look. I have two discs speckled with dark chocolate nibs, I have two pumpkin butter swirls, and two pockets (most likely overstuffed, so ignore my lead on that one) filled with butter and nibs then folded over. Again, I went a bit white girl wasted on these last two, so they will definitely overflow if you don't pay better attention then I did. Why didn't I? Simple. I was hungry. End of.
Finished Product
Again, this is the finished product of baking at 375 degrees for 15 minutes (it only needed 12 minutes but I lost track due to cleaning). They are quite delicious, but they came with a bit of charring on the bottom because, well, impatience is a trait that I am currently working on as far as self improvement is concerned. Still, the outcome looks quite delicious, and it tastes good to me, too, but be warned: I used a can of butter biscuits that I had on hand so, naturally, these tasted half like pastries and half like buttery biscuits. To be honest, I wasn't complaining as I kind of liked the flavor combo. Thus, proceed at your own risk.
Buon Appetito!!
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