Saturday, October 3, 2015

Delicious Desserts for Your Holiday Fete!

I am one of those people who can just live off of carbs and sweets. Granted, I think a bowl of berries topped with whipped coconut cream is sweet as much as sticky buns covered in pumpkin butter, but who's being picky? NOT ME!!!

Anywho, I went scouring through Pinterest to find four delectably decadent desserts that are sure to leave you salivating. As you can guess from my previous posts, I can pick the best of them. So, get ready for this, and no...I will show NO MERCY whatsoever. Don't you just love me?!?!! =)

Pecan Caramel Sticky Buns
This image can speak for itself. Oooey gooey sticky & yummy, these buns are a sure fire hit. To amp it up a notch, top with candied pecans (or almonds/walnuts, if you wish) and the results will be a sight too pure and beautiful for this world.
Overnight Cider Pumpkin Waffles w/Pecans
Due to the fact that these beauties are cooked using the "overnight method", they end up being way more decadent than the average breakfast waffle. Thus, save these bad boys for those specialty brunch dates, for a "breakfast for dessert" night, or to whip out when you're trying to snag that special someone. Why? Simple. The cider pumpkin flavour is enough in itself to warrant salivation of the mouth but the scent overload is more than likely to result in a foodgasm that won't be denied. So, thus, use with caution.


Cranberry lemon Sweet Cake
This...legendary just...let's take a moment of silence to revel in this delicious fete of culinary perfection. *silence* Now, onward and upward! This beloved holiday cake is baked in lemon Bundt cake fashion and topped with both icing, dried cranberries AND fresh cranberries which results in a flavour palette so unique yet so damn delicious!!! Trust me...if you try this during the holidays and have leftovers, you don't need those negative people in your life.

Spiced Almond Pancakes w/candied Butternut Squash
This, like the waffles, takes the idea of breakfast and amps it up SEVERAL notches. From the gourmet flapjacks, the candied butternut squash, the pure maple syrup and compound maple butter, this screams cozy blustery morning in New England during the Fall. Wrap yourself in a cozy sweater, some fleece lined leggings, slip on some winter socks and enjoy this plated beast in the only way that you should...with a ginormous cup of Minted dark chocolate hot cocoa.
Buon Appetito!!!

Sunday, September 27, 2015

A Breakfast Worthy of Autumn

So...what had happened was, right...I saw apples, bread and some pumpkin butter in my kitchen and thought to myself, "what can I make with these three things that will be yummy AND filling?" Then, a light bulb went off and the result is this lovely melding of flavors that I call an 'Autumn Breakfast.'
Basically, I toasted & buttered three slices of honey wheat bread, then slathered a moderate layer of pumpkin butter on top. Next up, and this was truly food-gasmic, I sliced up some macintosh apples and laid them atop the toast then drizzled even more pumpkin butter to cap off such a delicious view. Add two slices of of turkey sausage to the side (or in this case, the middle) and I was all set!!!
I wanted something that was healthy, light, filling, and full of the flavours of an Autumn harvest, so this was the result of my food-obsessed brain. Lovely, no?

As I stated before, I made this yummy "breakfast toast" using three simple ingredients that should be readily available in your kitchens and cupboards. The two slices of turkey sausage were added in for a hit of protein, but overall, I say that I hit this one out of the ballpark. Big Papi would be proud...and probably ask for a slice or two, of which I'd happily oblige.
Buon Appetito!! 

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Homemade Pastry Porn

I just love me some pastry porn...especially homemade pastry porn. I had a can of biscuits on hand and some ideas in my head so, naturally, baking thus ensued.
Ingredients You Will Need...
I literally took the leftover dark chocolate chunks (nibs, pieces, whatever you wanna call them, they're all flavored the same) and some pumpkin butter that I had lying around and combined everything to make some delicious (yet slightly burnt on the bottom end) pastries just because it's what I wanted to eat for BRUNCH.
What Your Pastries Should Resemble...
Once you have gotten out all of your enhancements, this is how the pastries should look. I have two discs speckled with dark chocolate nibs, I have two pumpkin butter swirls, and two pockets (most likely overstuffed, so ignore my lead on that one) filled with butter and nibs then folded over. Again, I went a bit white girl wasted on these last two, so they will definitely overflow if you don't pay better attention then I did. Why didn't I? Simple. I was hungry. End of.
Finished Product

Again, this is the finished product of  baking at 375 degrees for 15 minutes (it only needed 12 minutes but I lost track due to cleaning). They are quite delicious, but they came with a bit of charring on the bottom because, well, impatience is a trait that I am currently working on as far as self improvement is concerned. Still, the outcome looks quite delicious, and it tastes good to me, too, but be warned: I used a can of butter biscuits that I had on hand so, naturally, these tasted half like pastries and half like buttery biscuits. To be honest, I wasn't complaining as I kind of liked the flavor combo. Thus, proceed at your own risk.
Buon Appetito!!

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Featuring My Favorite Things for Fall.

Ah, Autumn. Warm & sunny days which lead to crisp & chilly nights. Long gone are the days of short shorts, flip flops, and seeing ass everywhere. Now are the days that every basic white girl has been longing for: sweater, ugg boots, and fleece lined leggings weather. Thus, I aim to bring you guys my favorite things for Fall... at least food and drink wise. Shall we begin? We shall!!!

1) Trader Joe's Pumpkin Butter. As you may know from previous posts, I became obsessed with this magical elixir upon walking through my campus TJs and let's just say that this stuff is definitely made from unicorns and centaurs and all things bring on the holiday treats, bitches?!!!!

2) Pumpkin Spice Smoothies. If you want to have that Autumn season taste without the caffeine attack then a smoothie is the way to go. Pumpkin butter, almond milk, bananas, and ice in a blender will result in a blend that will make your taste buds sing. Go on, indulge...the calorie count is low in this one.
3) Autumn Bark. I love crunchy, sweet and salty things to munch on that won't bloat my waistline, and homemade bark/granola is the way to go. As you can see, this was made with pistachio, pumpkin seeds, almond, cranberries, and go ahead and eat the whole thing. I promise that no one will know.
4) Pumpkin Energy Bites. Raw no-baked chewy balls are soo every season, thanks to Pinterest. The autumn versions are no exception, and they are absolutely delicious. I personally recommend these for broke and sleep deprived college students like myself that need an energy jolt between classes but refuse to die from overdosing on those toxic energy drinks.
5) Pumpkin Spice...Hot Cocoa. What, did you think that I was gonna suddenly approve of all things BWG and add the Pumpkin Spice Latte to this list?? Newsflash...I don't like lattes, I don't like Starbucks (Dunkin Donuts foreverrrr), but I do live the hot cocoa I made a couple days back that featured melted pumpkin butter, so...yeah. Here's that. Enjoy it, or not. I don't care.
Bien Provecho e Buon Appetito!!!

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Treat Yo'Self.

As of tomorrow, and Thursday (with the blessing of The Man & Woman Upstairs), I will officially be finished with my entire semester of FOUNDATIONS OF ALGEBRA (aka Algebra for beginners) class!!!! YES YES YES YES YES!!!! (in the vein of Daniel Bryan from WWE) I can't believe this, but at the same time, my upper back and shoulders believe it because I have spent tireless hours up past 1am doing this course in order to complete it in under the 14 day trial period. You see, the pitfalls of being a broke-ass college student means that all of my money went to transit to and fro class, buying what supplies I could get asap, and (of course) sustenance and libations aka food & drink. Thus, no dinero for MathLab online course' access code, which is $90, and $150 with the no Bueno. No Bueno at all.

With the imminent arrival of the end of my course, I figured that I should celebrate, but since I repeat that I am a broke-ass college student, I will suffice with making another batch of Pumpkin Butter Hot Cocoa.

Afterwards, I shall curl up with a good YouTube channel, and lull myself to sleep. Tomorrow, I will finish up the last homework assignment and then the last quiz (I have already passed my midterm...WITH A MUTHAFCUKIN 95?!!!!) and await my practice final to arrive in my email. La Vie est Belle...Troup Belle.

Bien Provecho!!!

Pumpkin Spice Pie in Your Daily Breakfast Things.

I stumbled into Trader Joes this past Friday and the feeling was a mutual love for one another. For those of you who DON'T know, Trader Joes is what I love to call "Whole Foods with Better Prices & a Moral Compass". What may cost $10 at Whole Foods will cost $2-$4 @ TJ's, making it friendly and easy for college students or those who are on limited budgets to eat healthy, organic, and well.

While perusing the aisles of this glorious wonderland, I came upon a jar of magical unicorn blood called Pumpkin Butter. After sampling this ethereal nectar as it was smeared on top of dairy-free ice cream, I experienced a mouthful of orgasm that I had previously never known, and for a mere $2.29 per 10oz jar (which, for something along the consistency of apple butter/nutella, is damn cheap), I just HAD TO BUY THIS!!! Thus began our love affair...and the ideas for this very post. Let's begin!!!

Trader Joe's Pumpkin Butter
The first recipe that popped into my head last night was taking this glorious spread and MELTING IT INTO A POT OF HOT COCOA!!! OH MY GOODNESS WAS I RIGHT IN DOING THIS??!!!! Instead of using my Keurig, I went to the traditional stovetop method, and I'm not even talking about using a kettle pot. No. I went OLD SCHOOL AF and poured hot cocoa mix and cold milk into a pot, put the pilot on low/med heat, and let that sucker heat up to my heart's content. Then, I took one full tablespoon of this glorious Unicorn Blood aka Ambrosia aka Gift from the Gods, and dipped it into the hot cocoa, and stirred until it melted and became one with the chocolate and milk. The end result was something from another world, and I soon went to sleep after being lulled by my new best friend.
The second recipe that just NOW made its way from my head and onto my plate is Pumpkin Spice Oatmeal. Again, I took to the stovetop method of heating up cold milk, adding instant oats to the mix (which a tinge of real actual butter, no fake shit), and let it cook itself to the thickness that I desired. Towards the end, I swirled in 1.5 tbsp. of this delicious nectar of Heaven and not only is it delicious, IT TURNED MY OATMEAL THE COLOR OF PUMPKIN!!!!!! Score!!!!!!!!
Isn't it beautiful?!?!!!! I am busy doing ALGEBRA, enjoying my Pumpkin Butter Oatmeal, and otherwise trying to reclaim my sanity, so please enjoy these seasonal treats how any basic white girl would: in ugg boots, yoga pants, a huge sweater, and while watching Netflix original programming.
Bien Provecho!!!

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Drink Up...I Got a Work Study Opp at a Museum!!!

Naturally, this is an occasion of which I soo need to celebrate. I applied for this work study opportunity at the Museum of African American History in Beacon Hill Boston approximately two weeks ago and just heard from the professor TODAY that I got the slot!!! It's like NO MONEY AT ALL and yet it is just enough to get me to the museum, eat/drink, do things for my pets, and buy me one of those cute Fujifilm instant cameras in two different colors. Options!!!

As well, it can help pay for my blog upgrades (my actual WordPress blog) so that I can continue to have something to do aside from my work at the museum and classwork. I am truly loving this state of finally feeling accomplished on the road path to my dreams, and in honor of this new development, I have brought you some of my favorite drink recipes from across the interwebs.

This is the perfect drink for those like me who ABSOLUTELY REFUSE to give up summer...and let's face the facts: the weather tomorrow is slated to be nearly 90 degrees here in Boston, so who says that summer is over??? Mother Nature surely didn't?!!!
This...this is DEFINITELY a celebratory drink, so make it to celebrate the fact that it is gloriously still summer, an Indian Summer as I called it, here in New England. Serve with those pretty retro paper straws and you'll totally make a statement...which reminds me...can I make these to show the guy I like that I like him and wanna have his babies??? Hmmmm.....onward!!!
Because, why the FCUK not??? It's a FCUKING STRAWBERRY PINEAPPLE MIMOSA!??!!! Someone get me one of those funnel hat thingies and leave me to my basket of nutella croissants?!!! **** For those who wish to wimpishly make a non-alcoholic version of these drinks, sub out the Champagne for Sparkling Soda/Seltzer Water or Sparkling Cider. Same affect, slight flavor twist (then again, this isn't exactly the classic Mimosa recipe, so...), and a brightened flavor. Cheers!! *clink clink*
Bien Provecho!!!