Monday, September 14, 2015

Why So Secret?

Well, I'm glad that you asked. I have a mildly successful (and growing) blog on WordPress that I began back in January. Between that blog, classwork, and finding paid work, I just needed another creative outlet that I didn't have the pressures and requirements to promote, where I was just doing this for myself and no one else. Plus, I like food and drinks, I have no real recipe measurements, but yet I still want to give my recipe ideas to the masses, so this was the safest route to go.

I strive to hand out recipe remixes and easy does its' so that I myself and anyone who ever reads this blog can find comfort in knowing that you don't need fancy ingredients (although they will be enjoyed, because this is a foodie blog and I believe that fancy ingredients are rule #5 in the handbook of food blog ownership) in order to make and bake delicious goods.
Bien Provecho!

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